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About Our Project

With supermarkets strained and Rhode Islanders unable to buy the food they would normally purchase because of the Covid-19 pandemic, one must ask, “Where does the food I eat come from and is this sustainable?”

In this project we explored how agriculture enabled the human population to grow far beyond what was predicted and examined what tools were developed to support sustaining this growth. Our focus then moved to look more locally at Rhode Island as we explored the agriculture of the past and present in our own community. During this project we read primary and secondary source documents addressing supporting questions of a historical inquiry, which built up to constructing an evidence-based argument that answers the compelling question: “How has the development of agriculture and technology advancements impacted humans?”

We applied these historical concepts to develop a class set of goals modeled after The United Nations’ "17 Sustainable Development Goals,” the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. We addressed the agricultural sustainability issues we face to feed Rhode Islanders and concluded each goal with a call to action: What can Rhode Islanders commit to now to support sustainable agriculture that can feed us locally far into the future? 

About: About Us
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